Best of EDEN 2018 Special issue

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Constructivism in Computer Mediated Communication – Digital Learning, a Software Engineering Module

Cornelia Connolly, Nicola Marsden

Date of publication: 09.12.2016

Tags: Constructivism, Computer Mediated Communication, Digital Learning


Emergent Evaluation: An initial Exploration of a Formative Framework for Evaluating Distance Learning Modules

Palitha Edirisingha, Phil Wood

Date of publication: 17.11.2016

Tags: Lesson study, Course Evaluation, Distance Learning, E-learning, Action Research


Digital and Social Learning: Transforming Education for the Next Generation

Khadeegha Alzouebi, Serine El Salhat

Date of publication: 07.11.2016

Tags: e-learning, social media, Higher Education, online learning platforms, Arab region, online content, lifelong learning


Education of the future, flipped classroom, learning spaces, blended learning

Katia Ramos

Date of publication: 11.07.2016

Tags: Education of the future, flipped classroom, learning spaces, blended learning




e-learning, distance learning, distance education, online learning, higher education, DE, blended learning, MOOCs, ICT, information and communication technology, collaborative learning, internet, interaction, learning management system, LMS,

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If you would like to referee articles for EURODL, please write to the Chief Editor Ulrich Bernath, including a brief CV and your area of interest.