Best of EDEN 2018 Special issue

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Achieving Improved Quality and Validity: Reframing Research and Evaluation of Learning Technologies

Adrian Kirkwood, Linda Price, The Open University, United Kingdom


A critical reading of research literature relating to teaching and learning with technology for open, distance and blended education reveals a number of shortcomings in how investigations are conceptualised, conducted and reported. Projects often lack clarity about the nature of the enhancement that technology is intended to bring about. Frequently there is no explicit discussion of assumptions and beliefs that underpin research studies and the approaches used to investigate the educational impact of technologies. This presentation summarises a number of the weaknesses identified in published studies and considers the implications. Some ways in which these limitations could be avoided through a more rigorous approach to undertaking research and evaluation studies are then outlined and discussed.

Abstract in Portuguese

Uma leitura crítica da literatura de investigação relacionado com o ensino ea aprendizagem com a tecnologia para aberto, à distância e educação blended revela uma série de deficiências na forma como as investigações são conceituados, realizados e notificados. Projetos muitas vezes não têm clareza sobre a natureza do realce que a tecnologia se destina a trazer. Freqüentemente há nenhuma discussão explícita de suposições e crenças que sustentam estudos de investigação e as abordagens utilizadas para investigar o impacto educacional das tecnologias. Esta apresentação resume algumas das deficiências identificadas em estudos publicados e considera as implicações. Algumas maneiras em que essas limitações poderiam ser evitados através de uma abordagem mais rigorosa para a realização de estudos de investigação e avaliação são, então, descritos e discutidos.

Abstract in French

Une lecture critique de la littérature de recherche portant sur l'enseignement et l'apprentissage par la technologie pour ouvert, à distance et l'éducation mixte révèle un certain nombre de lacunes dans la façon dont les enquêtes sont conceptualisés, effectuées et relatées. Projets manquent souvent de clarté sur la nature de l'amélioration que la technologie est destinée à apporter. Souvent, il n'y a pas de discussion explicite des hypothèses et croyances qui sous-tendent les études de recherche et les approches utilisées pour étudier l'impact éducatif des technologies. Cette présentation résume un certain nombre de faiblesses identifiées dans des études publiées et considère les implications. Certaines façons dont ces limitations pourraient être évités grâce à une approche plus rigoureuse pour entreprendre des études de recherche et d'évaluation sont ensuite présentés et discutés.

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e-learning, distance learning, distance education, online learning, higher education, DE, blended learning, MOOCs, ICT, information and communication technology, collaborative learning, internet, interaction, learning management system, LMS,

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