Best of EDEN 2018 Special issue

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Current Peer-reviewed articles

Integrating Global Online Legal Education with an On-Campus Franchise Course: A Role for MOOCs

Leela Cejnar, Jenny Buchan, Courtenay Atwell, and Melanie Hayes

Date of publication: 30.06.2020

Tags: international franchise law, legal education, MOOC


International Online Graduate Students’ Perceptions of CoI

Charmaine Bissessar, Debra Black, Mehraz Boolaky

Date of publication: 30.06.2020

Tags: Communities of Inquiry, Online learning, higher education, group cohesion, cognitive presence, social presence, teaching presence


Exploring the Relationship Between Interaction and the Structure of Questions in Online Discussions Using Learning Analytics

Ayesha Sadaf, Larisa Olesov

Date of publication: 30.06.2020

Tags: interaction; asynchronous online discussions; question prompts; learning analytics; degree centrality


Five Learning Design Principles to Create Active Learning for Engaging With Research in a MOOC

Halvdan Haugsbakken

Date of publication: 29.04.2020

Tags: MOOC, learning design, research, Norway


Exploring the Problem of Establishing Horizon Emergent Technologies within a Higher Education Institution’s Operational Framework

Paula Shaw, Sarah Rawlinson, David Sheffield

Date of publication: 24.04.2020

Tags: Horizon Scanning, ITC, Policy, Design, Implementation, Impact on learning




e-learning, distance learning, distance education, online learning, higher education, DE, blended learning, MOOCs, ICT, information and communication technology, collaborative learning, internet, interaction, learning management system, LMS,

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For new referees

If you would like to referee articles for EURODL, please write to the Chief Editor Ulrich Bernath, including a brief CV and your area of interest.