Best of EDEN 2018 Special issue

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The Intersection of Dialogue and Low Transactional Distance: Considerations for Higher Education

Lynn Farquhar [], 1 Briarwood Crescent, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, L9C 4B7, []


The theory of transactional distance has been subjected to a variety of empirical tests and philosophical critiques. Throughout this process, the variable of dialogue has attracted much attention. Although dialogue has proven difficult to measure and define, it is widely regarded as an ideal outcome of the teacher-learner transaction. Considered from a constructivist perspective, dialogue can also be understood as an ideal outcome of classroom transactions among and between the learners themselves. Subject matter experts in post-secondary education responsible for designing, implementing and presenting classes online might consider the possibility of embracing constructivist pedagogy in order to create what Moore (1993) referred to as low transactional distance.

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e-learning, distance learning, distance education, online learning, higher education, DE, blended learning, MOOCs, ICT, information and communication technology, collaborative learning, internet, interaction, learning management system, LMS,

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