Best of EDEN 2018 Special issue

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Website Usage in a Computer Science Course given in a Distance Learning Environment

Tamar Benaya [], Ela Zur [], Computer Science Department, The Open University of Israel, []


The Open University of Israel (OUI) is an institution of higher learning with an open admission policy which is based solely on distance learning and self-study. The teaching methods practiced at the OUI combine traditional and web-based distance education.

This paper will elaborate on the web-based distance education which is practiced in the Computer Science (CS) department at the OUI.

We describe a typical CS course website. We present some facts and figures regarding the use of a typical CS course website, including: the average number of pages requested per day, the most popular pages in the website, some data regarding the use of the discussion group, the use of the web-based assignment submission system, website use per student and results of a survey checking student satisfaction from the course website.

If you would like to read the entire contribution, please click here.



e-learning, distance learning, distance education, online learning, higher education, DE, blended learning, MOOCs, ICT, information and communication technology, collaborative learning, internet, interaction, learning management system, LMS,

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